Twaddle for Adults: The Growing Problem of Shallow Reading in the Digital Age

12/5/20243 min read

Piles of French novels By Vincent van Gogh  Twaddle for Adults: The Growing Problem of Shallow Reading in the Digital Age
Piles of French novels By Vincent van Gogh  Twaddle for Adults: The Growing Problem of Shallow Reading in the Digital Age

In an era dominated by platforms like TikTok and BookTube, these have become powerful tastemakers in the realm of literature. While they have democratized access to books and sparked a renewed interest in reading, they have also flooded our digital feeds with recommendations for trendy, ephemeral, and often shallow reads. These books can be entertaining and easy to consume, but they frequently lack the depth, originality, or transformative power that defines truly meaningful literature.

A troubling trend has emerged: many adults are turning to books that echo the superficiality of young adult fiction or the literary equivalent of junk food. Influencers who shape our purchasing habits in skincare, clothing, and makeup are also influencing the books we consume. The result? We often find ourselves devouring books that momentarily satisfy but fail to nourish our minds and hearts. Frustrated by this pattern, I encountered the term "twaddle" — a charmingly peculiar word that encapsulates this phenomenon.

Twaddle: The Literary Junk Food

Originally used to describe children’s books deemed overly simplistic or superficial, "twaddle" has a broader application for adult readers. It represents books that offer little intellectual or emotional sustenance—stories that serve merely as a way to pass the time. But why do we, as grown readers, often choose such books?

Defining twaddle can be elusive. For some, it’s any book filled with uninspired or repetitive language. For others, it’s stories with shallow characters or predictable plots. Twaddle also extends beyond books to include forgettable TV shows, mindless scrolling on social media, and the endless flicker of screens. The common denominator is content that entertains briefly but leaves no lasting imprint.

Twaddle for adults mirrors its definition for children:

  • Books with predictable, flat characters.

  • Stories that recycle tired tropes without depth or nuance.

  • Writing that is overly simplistic or filled with clichés.

  • Content that entertains momentarily but leaves no intellectual or emotional resonance.

Of course, there is room for subjectivity. What one reader finds profound, another might dismiss as derivative or sentimental. And that’s okay. Reading preferences are deeply personal, but it’s important to examine the kind of books we choose and the impact they have on us.

Asking the Right Questions

To navigate the sea of literary choices, I’ve started asking myself a series of questions when selecting a book:

  • Does this book challenge me—not necessarily with difficulty, but with ideas, emotions, or perspectives?

  • Does the language resonate with beauty or originality?

  • Are the characters complex and relatable, even if flawed?

  • Will this book stay with me in some way—shape my thoughts, inspire my actions, or bring me joy I can recall long after the last page?

These questions act as a compass, steering us toward books that enrich and away from those that merely fill time. They remind us to choose literature with intentionality, seeking works that inspire, challenge, and transform.

The Value of Meaningful Literature

The antithesis of twaddle is what Charlotte Mason might call a "living book"—a book alive with thought, beauty, and meaning. Such books go beyond entertainment; they nourish the soul, spark curiosity, and deepen our understanding of the world. Whether it’s a classic novel, a memoir filled with hard-won wisdom, or a contemporary story that strikes a chord, these treasures leave a lasting impression.

We should seek the very best ideas, expressed in the most beautifully crafted ways. Good books have a humbling quality: you’ll never master the entirety of a well-curated library. No one fully comprehends every idea in every book. The greatest works draw you back, again and again, because they reveal their depth slowly, often as you grow ready to grasp their truths. This humility is a gift—a reminder that reading is not a race but a lifelong journey of growth.

Think of the last book you read. Did it challenge your mind or perspective? Did it evoke emotion or connect with a memory? Did you feel compelled to share it with others, or was it a fleeting distraction?

So next time you pick up a book, choose one that ignites curiosity, sparks an intellectual stir, and stirs your imagination. Select stories that lead you toward what is good, true, and beautiful. The books we absorb can either dull or sharpen our minds; seek those that inspire and align with timeless truths.

Keep Learning

To further enrich your reading journey, don't miss our insightful post on "Why Adults Should Read Non-Fiction and Fairy Tales." Discover how diverse books can nourish your mind, challenge your perspectives, and prepare you for life's metaphorical dragons.

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